POWO has moved to a new space located on Statehouse Road. PAWA254 is a newly opened collaborative space for Creatives and youth to achieve work of social impact.
We start off this year with a Writing Workshop facilitated by some well known writers and Reviewers.
About the Facilitators
Tony Mochama (Smitta)
This gentleman is a literary gangster with three books ‘Princess Adhis & the Naijja Coca Brodas’ ( March, 2012), ‘Facing Mr. Kenyatta’ (June 1, 2012) and ‘The Last Night Runner’ ( November, 2012) coming out this year.’
Tony has also writing 2 books, What if I am a literary Gangster – a collection of poems and The Road to Eldoret
Jackson Biko (Bikozulu)
Freelance lifestyle writer with columns in True Love (Last Word) and Saturday Nation (Man Talk). He also dabbles in blogging, travel writing, profile writing, corporate newsletter editing and has currently taken up ghost writing for an autobiography of a prominent businesswoman in Nairobi. Described in a thumbnail; a literary whore and a gonzo journalist.
blog: bikozulu
Dr. Tom Odhiambo
Literature Lecturer – University of Nairobi. Literature reviewer whose reviews have appeared in all major newspapers and Magazines in Kenya.
He is also the facilitator of Amka – a monthly forum for women writers held at the Goethe Institut
Sign up for this event here. It is free.