How to become a Maasai Market Trader

The Market’s name is derived from the Maasai Pastoral community found in Kenya and Tanzania who still uphold their customs and traditions

Following my detailed article on when and where to find one of Kenya’s most popular market for cultural artifacts and crafts- the Maasai Market. I have received over-whelming response from Jua Kali artisans from within Kenya and even from other countries requesting to find out how they can showcase their wares at the market.

As I noted, Maasai Market has taken on with a lot of the numerous malls springing up in Nairobi’s urban areas with Malls such as Prestige on Ngong road now having two Maasai Market days and the Lavington Mall introducing every last weekend of every month.

Well, I did manage to get one of the officials of the ‘Original Maasai Market Traders Association’ and here are the details for anyone wishing to get space.

For one to display their products at any of the two locations (High Court or behind Kijabe Street) at no cost, one has to be a member.

Registration is Ksh. 8,000

In case you need temporary space for a short duration, the cost is Ksh. 400 per space. You will mostly only get the Kijabe location.

High Court Space on Weekends

-This space has the highest demand due to its location, proximity and time. Thus, it is impossible for a new trader to get this space unless they put in a request and ask to be placed in the waiting list.

Open Markets vs Malls
The Association only manages 2 two locations mentioned above. To get space at any of the malls, one has to get in touch with the mall’s management .

Trading in Malls

I called up the Prestige Plaza Mall along Ngong road for their rates. To register, one has to pay a Ksh. 2,500 one off fee then a monthly cost of Ksh. 1,500.

This might not be the same rate in all the other Malls and one would need to call them to find out.

If you need more information on the Association, call up Benja on 0721 544453. Also if you are looking for very well done Kenyan Tshirts, get in touch with him. I actually got to know he is one of the officials after buying some t-shirts from him then asking him if he knew any officials I could talk to for this story. Thank you Benja.

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