Day 1: Word Camp Kenya 2011

The Word Camp Kenya 2011 event finally took off yesterday 12th November at the Cray Fish Camp in Naivasha.

Although we had quite a late start due to late arrivals, we finally arrived at the venue at around 12pm. The meant that most of the morning sessions had to be pushed to the afternoon and others to the following day.I was up quite early as I was looking forward to the social interaction, learning, and most of all charter a way forward for this blog which is in the migration process to a self hosted domain with wordpress as the backend.  At 8.15am I was at the rendevous point; the Alliance Francaise where I found @mbuguaNjihia and various other tweeps.

My session on Blogging Communities was postphoned and will be happening today – day 2.

Here are some of the notes that I took during the presentations.
Popular content with @MosesKemibaro

-Lists and rankings

-Videos interviews

-Wptouch is a  plugin in wordpress  that one can use for  mobile devices

Social Media Marketing with Francis Waithaka

1.Add links to your Email signatures

2.Business cards

3.Build relationships with people

4.Schedule tweets – timely – post your article links there. Join active groups – for bookmarking

7.Facebook – create a group

8.Linked in – network with professionals

10.Twitter – use Hashtag on keywords to make your content findable

11.Google + good for SEO

12.Twylah – has high SEO value

13.Guest blogging – back links

14.Place share buttons on your blog – like, addthis, +1, tweet – makes it easy to amplify ua content

SEO for social media profiles

-Use same keywords for your profile on twitter, FB, Google+, linkedin

-Cpanel stats – AW stats

-Checking Wordpress stats + to see who has retweeted your tweets. Analysis of social referrals

Find more photos here 

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