PEN Periodic Poetry Night Feat Eudiah, Oketch & Mochama

International PEN Kenya Chapter will host a poetry reading at the Kenya National Theatre, Wasanii Restaurant, on Thursday, August, 11, 2011 from 5:00pm. Entry is free. Readings will be interspersed with storytelling and discussions. Join us together with novelists Onduko bw’Atebe, Moraa Gitaa, and a host of poets and writers as we enjoy Kenyan and Sudanese poetry and learn literary trends.

Eudiah Kamonjo, an emergent poet, and one of the most popular poets who frequented poetry nights earlier on will be joining the PEN brigade at KNT. Ever since she was poached from the poetry academy and an editorial job dangled at her to work with the regional children’s magazine, Bingwa, she became rare. But we know she is talented and equally deep.

Jacob Oketch, freelance journalist and multi-talented artist, met Ayi Kwei Amah and Wole Soyinka in Nairobi. What impression did Ayi Kwei Amah inscribe on his memory? Jacob is vivid! And Wole Soyinka, what did he make of his poetry reading? What was it like working at the Italian Institute and doing poetry events?

Tony Mochama came to us as a grand vizier, a spokesperson for contemporary Kenyan writers. He almost singlehandedly stood as a counterpoise to Prof Egara Kabaji. With limited newspaper space assigned to literature production, has Tony been muzzled? Barrack Muluka, wrote eloquently and admirably when he hosted the Literary Forum in a local newspaper, but whom did he write for?

Info courtesy of Khainga O’Kwemba

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