CS Ann Waiguru to launch African Photo Magazine on 16th April

African Photography and Kenyan in particular has been on the rise. This has mainly been due to the availability of affordable cameras, the proliferation of smartphones with high quality cameras and mostly due to easy access to the internet.

There was a time when all photos that appeared on Magazines and online were only those taken by Europeans. Needless to say, most of these photos were of African Savannahs, Maasai or other Cultural groups and off course Wildlife. That was then.

There will be an African Photo Magazine Launch that will be taking place at the Nailab this Thursday evening from 6.00pm Anne Waiguru, the Cabinet Secretary for the Ministry of Planning and Devolution Ministry will be in attendance as a special guest.

Africa Photo Magazine is a collaborative endeavour by House of Fotography with various industry practitioners contributing to each quarterly digital issue. Key to this effort is support from the Ministry of Planning and Devolution whose aim is to set a firm foundation for the growth of this young industry. This digital publication is one such avenue.

The colourful magazine whose first issue will be unveiled the launch has a message from the CS who signed

I would like to congratulate The House of Fotography for conceptualizing and implementing a great idea to help young people join the ranks of great photo-entrepreneurs. This venture speaks to the power of collaboration and partnership to do great. This is the key catalyst for youth empowerment in Kenya, and the NYS has chosen as its carrion call: to be true to who we are as individuals, professionals and be true to our nation by maximizing on what is good and helping empower each other.

About House of Fotography

House of Fotography was founded by Sharon & Teddy Mitchener, a husband and wife team in 2010 in Nairobi, Kenya and focuses primarily on photography but common synergies with videography and animation.

Challenges by African Photographers

The rise of African Photographers who are using their lenses to tell the world a different story of Africa has not been without its fair share of challenges. I have written quite extensively on the rampant plagiarism that is affecting many African photographers who choose to use the internet as a platform to showcase and market their work.

Register Here to attend this event. Yours truly shall be the event MC.

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