Mwanake Quenches his Thirst with Kiu

The Kiu Music trio made up of Pauline, Rosa & Tracy)

When I first heard KIU during their inaugural performance at the Michael Joseph Safaricom center, I knew they would be a great addition to the musical scene if they stuck together. Stuck together they have, and they are breaking boundaries and producing some great musical waves in this otherwise dormant afro-fusion landscape.

They have outdone themselves with the production of this video to their third single “Mwanake”, loosely translated as Boy/ handsome in the Kikuyu and Kamba dialects. The video feels vintage starting with a spinning record on a gramophone with a cassette tape backdrops of a vintage musical shop as the group sings. Their vocals will definitely arouse the tingles in you. The best part of the song will be the guitar lingala part, just awesome. The story line suits the song, though I’d have loved more vintage assets to have been shown in the video to give the setting authenticity. The editing was impeccable.

Just as mwanake is a story of falling in love when you least expect it. I bet falling in love with the replay button on the video will be inevitable. A lovely song that deserves my five stars!

The trio of Pauline, Rosa and Tracy are a product of the Sauti Academy. You can get to hear more of their other songs here

Find out more on the Trio and keep up with their gigs by checking out their facebook page.

Review by Robert Mahebo @mahebob
simply complex, spoken in poetry,determined to be an individual distinguished from the group.

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