Poem: Starting A Revolution by Sanya Noel

Alone, I can write my lines
Read them to myself and just dream
If you join me, we can be two
You can offer an ear, to listen, I, a head, to nod
A third, we can dance and sing
Laugh as we read, we can exchange stanzas
One more, there can be a teacher
Correcting mistakes, nudging us on
Five of us, we can get a singer, and do acappellas, we can start a band
Ten of us, we shall be ripe to incite,
We can preach our word, we can educate the mass
A hundred, a wonderful audience,
A thousand, a movement, a poetry revolution,
We start by joining hands,
We start when we start to write, when we create a new tribe
We start when the new tribe is

The Poetic Tribe.

©Sanya Noel

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