The Authors’ Buffet – Come mingle with your favourite Kenyan author

Binyavanga Wainaina, Winnie Thuku-Craig, John Sibi-Okumu, Joyce Mbaya, Anthony T. Gitonga, Jenniffer Karina, Stanley Gazemba, Bonnie Kim, Stephen Kigwa, Kinyanjui Kombani, Dr. Charles Orero – all under one roof.

In attendance – Musyoki Muli, MD Longhorn Publishers, and a special appearance by writer/publisher Barrack Muluka and writer Muthoni Likimani.

Hear authors experiences, and get tips on how to get published in Kenya. A great opportunity to network as well.

Event supported by Text Book Centre, The Saturday Nation, Jabali Furniture, The Junction Mall & Longhorn Publishers.

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