The Best of Kenyan Jazz at the Capital Jazz Club 15th Anniversary

By Andrew Mutua

Musicians Vallerie Kimani with Guitarist Eddie Grey

This past Saturday Capital Jazz Club, a weekly Jazz Radio Show, commerated 15 years since its inception.To celebrate this momentous milestone Jack Ojiambo, the host of the Capital Jazz Club Show, had lined up Kenya’s best Jazz artists to headline a live stage performance.

And the venue, Sierra Lounge 2nd Floor Yaya Centre, was just the perfect setting for a “JAZZ ALL DAYER” as it was aptly dubbed.To kick off the show the first act was a collaboration of Mwai on the keys, Don on the saxophone and Henry on the drums. They played a number of popular Jazz renditions.This was followed by a break in which DJ D-Lite (David Murithi) took charge of the decks playing best of Acoustic Alchemy, George Benson and many more from his extensive Jazz Collection.

The second act was all about the strings; the guitarist Eddie Grey took to the stage and started off with a few solo acts which composed of some originals and instrumentation of local pop tracks. He was later joined by the Nairobi ensemble who enriched the composition by bringing the sound of a violin, bass guitar and drums.The third act was the pristine vocals of none other but Valerie Kimani. She belt out some all-time Jazz Classics “Besema Mucho” and “Fever” being accompanied by the great guitar work of Eddie Grey- superb collabo.

To cap it off the master keys man, Krucial Keys Aaron Rimbui, certainly didn’t disappoint.

It was certainly six hours of pure fan, the crowd was fantastic and the artists were at their best.

Thanks to Jack Ojiambo who put all this together and has bore this “labour of love” religiously for the last 15 years or so. And to the Jazz Fans, the Capital Jazz Club Fans, that have always tuned in and kept the show rolling on for all those years – Thank you.

To all Jazz lovers here is to another 15 years and beyond- Cheers!

To capture the moment we have some pictures-(Thanks David Nyamai)

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