Poem; Dreams of my fatherland

(image courtesy of http://fineartamerica.com/featured/dreams-and-nightmares-michael-garyet.html)

Dreams of my fatherland

Who is that trying to re-live the American Dream…
Who dares to dream a nightmare…
these dreams we are living…
sleepwalking always; never awake to the smell we are sniffing…
that is not the smell of coffee…
it’s the smell of your fellow sewer rats

And what a consolation it is…
to know where these mongrels are headed…
we are not yet there…
and yet we can almost see it…
the cusp of glory as envisaged by American lab rats

Oh, lest anyone forget…
this non-commercial ad is brought you courtesy of Dreamcast International…
the masseurs of 3-D bathtub bubbles and teleprompter presidents…
they are the dreams that await your American Dream…
after you’ve been nickled and dimed

C.K., Jan 2013 (crl_vic(at) yahoo.com)

Inspired by the by Barbara Ehrenreich’s “Nickel and Dimed” book… on (not) getting by in America…This poem should not be reprinted, copied or used without explicit permission from the author – All rights reserved ©

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