A performance Poetry Master class at the Story Moja Festival

Whether performed by Tu-pac through Rap, Mutabaruka through Dub or Wally Serote, Poetry has been spoken into life. The performance of Spoken Word has changed how we tell our stories. This is evident in the manner in which we have found ways to say no and yes in performance without those words.This Performance Poetry master class asks these questions : How can you make stories with the words that are your mother’s words? How are we writing & performing various performance styles? How many words do we need to make a story? Who are we writing to?

Vuyelwa, Kennet B and I will be holding a master class on the different styles of poetry performance and writing.

Vuyelwa Maluleke is a South African poet, actor, and writer who began showcasing her work in 2012. She was the Drama for Life regional winner in (2012) and has continued to perform on various stages in Johannesburg including the Melville Poetry Festival in (2013). See bio.

Kennet B is a Kenyan spoken-word performer and poet known for his electrifying performances in Nairobi and across the country. Kennet B plays on words while delivering messages on pertinent issues such as HIV/AIDS. He performs mostly in Sheng, a Swahili-based slang used among urban youth in Kenya, has participated in major art events in Kenya and East Africa.

Masterclass: Who are we Telling our Stories To? (Spoken Word & Storytelling)

With: Vuyelwa Maluleke (South Africa, Kennet B (Kenya) and Njeri Wangari (Kenya)

Time: Wed 17th September 2:30pm – 5:30pm

Venue: Nairobi National Museum

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