Kenya Television and Film Writers to form a Writers Guild

“Writing Is Easy; You Just Open a Vein and Bleed.”

The digital migration of initiated by the Kenyan government through the Communications Commission of Kenya has created a huge demand for local (Kenyan) film and television content.

This means that:
– More professional scriptwriters are needed.
– International standards of story development must be followed.
– The quality of scripts must be raised.

Writers must also be protected to ensure fair compensation from every media production undertaken. It is anticipated that a professional organization consisting of members and industry stakeholders should be set up to implement this. It will be the gold standard for accessing professional scriptwriting services within the entertainment industry. There is therefore need to establish a Kenya Writers Guild.

Kenyan scriptwriters on television, film, theatre and recently, the web, have been working independently of each other for several years. This has been a disadvantage to the development of the entertainment industry. Scriptwriters’ work for production houses but there is no organization that caters to their professional need. Scriptwriting, like any other profession, requires a self-regulating body that will look into the welfare of writers regardless of their status in life.

Digital migrationFormal Registration of a Kenya Writers Guild

The first among many monthly meetings by professional scriptwriters will take place on Saturday, February 8, 2014 from 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM at Pawa 254

The meeting is aimed at setting up an official registered body in 2014 to cater to their welfare and develop the standards of television and film writing.


Open to all scriptwriters.
For more information, get intouch with;

Keith Kinambuga Ndenga
Tel: +254 770 425647
e-mail: knkinambuga(at)gmail . com

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