“By the time of my court hearing, my legs had completely seized up, crying from the pain and weak from hunger. I had to be carried by four strong policewomen into the court room. It was strange for me to feel so helpless. People were shocked when they saw me unable even to stand to hear the charges read. “What have they given her!? They have killed her!” People shouted.
(excerpt from Prof. Wangari Maathai’s autobiography ‘Unbowed, one woman’s story’)

How far are you willing to go to defend what you believe in?

The story of Nobel laureate Prof Wangari Maathai is one of a woman who would not flinch in the defense of what she believed in. Its the story of the extraordinary life, struggle and rise of this extraordinary lady from the little village of Ihithe, Tetu District, who rose to be the first female Nobel Laureate on the continent. It’s a story of passion, humility, determination and above all unwavering courage in the face of overwhelming odds. It’s the story of what this nation desperately needs at this hour; leadership that is dedicated to a cause greater than self.

On the 7th of July, special guest Hon Njoki Ndungu and the Storymoja Book Club look at the life and times of Kenya’s first Nobel Laureate Prof.Wangari Maathai as written in her autobiography ‘Unbowed, one woman’s story’ and the forces that shaped her life to produce the icon that she is today. Come join us and share with us at Books First Restaurant, 1st floor, Nakumatt Lifestyle between 6pm and 8pm.

Story Moja team invites you to join them in celebrating Kenyan stories by attending the 2008 Storymoja Nyamachoma Reading Fiesta.
This is the second annual Fiesta. It will be held on Sunday 10th August at Impala Club grounds. The theme of this year’s event is, ‘Storytelling for Peace’.
In preparation for the event, they plan to run four different build-up activities commencing mid-June 2008 in order to generate excitement and pre-sell tickets for the Fiesta.
The Build- up events will be from mid-June to 1st August
For more info contact David for more info. david (at )storymojaafrica.co.ke

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