Vivian Green: Lounge Unplugged Concert Review

When the petit Vivian got on stage, I was certain that the songs I had written about (here) were going to be sung at one point or the other in the night. I was sure it was going to be a thrilling performance by her but not in my thoughts would I have predicted it going to be that good. Three days on and I am still reeling from ecstasy.

Vivian Green (Quaint photography)

Her presence on stage with the backing of Justine, her guitarist, was a pleasant gift to the revelers at the Kfit grounds. Her appreciation of the Kenyan crowed was evident in her words just before she got singing. She had pulled quite a crowd for an event of that pricing.


The evening was dressed by a beautiful performance by Fena Gitu who engaged the MC of the night to a dance after sing to him a love ballad. Her performance and amazing vocal got enough people on their feet getting the crowed crazy with her various tracks.

A fan singing

Neema was next in line and she knows how to crack a crowd up with simple jokes and charming vocals. Her songs have always had a place in my musical heart. And a review of her album “Dawn” is on its way ASAP.The performances by Vivian green were as expected, sing-a-long. She got me nearly singing and if it was not for the bevy of beauties besides me I would so have dropped my manhood in the deep end of a flooding swimming pool.Emotional rollercoaster was sung and as expected, that is what most ladies knew, Under my skin was also alluded to but with a different beat that nearly threw me off and the one she capitalized on was “Gotto go, Gotta leave” where she got off stage and into the crowd with some lady fans having a chance to sing into the very microphone that she was using.

Gotta go, Gotta leave

The music was exquisite and relaxing. The evening deserved of such nice vocals. The venue justify for the wonderful sensation. I can even bet the trees swayed through out the performance.By Mahebo Robert

pictures from @kevdanative and Quaint Photography

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