Kenyan Bloggers start Happy Hours – BHH, 3rd June at KPs

After the formation of BAKE, an association for Kenyan Bloggers, the first BHH starts today evening. Bloggers Happy Hour is an informal event meant to bring bloggers together in an evening of fun and discovery. Most Kenyan bloggers do not know each other and its about time that we knew and appreciated each other for the effort we are making in providing an alternate source of news and information. It would also be good to know what inspires one to blog and their commentary on ongoing issues in Kenya currently.

The BHH will be today from 6pm at KP’s Utalii house just near the French Cultural Center.

If you are a blogger or you have been harboring ambitions of becoming one and are looking for a mentor, then there is no better place to be than KPs this evening. See you there.

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