Kenya Museum Society announces the 38th ‘Know Kenya Course’ Lectures; 4th – 8th October 2010

After a year’s sabbatical, the Kenya Museum Society (KMS) has announced the programme for the 38th edition of the celebrated Know Kenya Course. The 2010 Know Kenya Course will run from Monday 4th October to Friday 8th October 2010 in the newly refurbished Louis Leakey Auditorium and around the environs of the Nairobi National Museum.

Since 1971 the Know Kenya Course has been organised by the Kenya Museum Society as the main fundraising event to support projects of the National Museums of Kenya, providing valuable income for museums and pre-historic sites around the country. All proceeds of the 38th Course will go to support the National Museums of Kenya.

The Course is an action-packed week designed to help all who live in and love Kenya to discover many of the nation’s hidden treasures. Over a five-day period we are offering a series of 15 programmes including morning lectures about Kenya’s history, natural history, conservation, modern-day issues, and popular culture with titles including “No life without Bees,” “Enraptured with Raptors,” and “There is no business like show business.” In the afternoon, the programme also includes guided tours through the only museum in East Africa adapted to 21st–century standards and Kenyan films, as well as a special evening programme. On Friday, the Know Kenya Course will host FUN Friday, featuring a variety of entertainment acts representative of the performing arts in Kenya.

The KMS Know Kenya Course is sponsored by Toyota East Africa. Toyota EA has been the sponsor of the 40th Anniversary Lecture Series.

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