Chemistry and Simama; two new Kenyan songs to check out

We did something right this past few days. I don’t know what it is exactly but we should keep at it because the music universe is happy with us and has given us exciting new music. I’m specifically talking about two new releases that are so good, they qualify to be in a new category of music I have made up called muziki flambé. This phrase describes Kenyan music that transcends genres and fires up your insides with flames that only good music can produce. An interesting bit about these songs is that they are both collabos bringing together talents that we are immensely proud of.

Chemistry by Tetu Shani feat Mayonde
The first song is ‘Chemistry’ by Tetu Shani featuring Mayonde and produced by Jinku. Tetu is a fairly new musician in the industry although his work so far is commendable. Turning down an offer to study music at Berklee, he once said, ‘Why go where the sun is setting when Kenya’s is rising?’ This goes on to show how profoundly he believes in the power that our local talent has in shaping the world’s music.

In this new jam ‘Chemistry’, Tetu and Mayonde fuse their vocals to create this magical track that has beautiful sounds and words. It talks of a couple that is together after a while and can’t wait to be alone away from the crowd. As if all this goodness was not enough, the EA wave come on board to give this track a wavey and soothy feel to it. This song makes one travel to all these new places, discovering new horizons but at the same time reminding you of a good feeling you’ve always had inside. This is not your ordinary mooshy song, this is Chemistry. Listen to it here.
On the same flambé note, Aaron Rimbui released ‘Simama’ on Tuesday afternoon and it has become quite the anthem for me since then. He worked with Kato Change and Bien-Aime

A new collabo by Tetu Shani and Mayonde

Simama by Aaron, Bien & Kato
What I like most about this track is that the three artists took their fortes and gave us jazz. We’ve seen Aaron perform with Kato Change live on stage and his song ‘Kuliko jana’ with Sauti Sol is a favourite even on radio stations. His wicked keyboard skills come alive in ‘Simama’ and we can hear Bien’s vocals in a jazzy way that just shakes up your insides. Then Kato Change cues in and does an excellent job with his guitar. I heard the song for the first time and I could not wait to hear it live in concert.
The track tells us, using voice and instruments, to resist failure and get up when we fall. So many times we try something and it does not work out. We need to keep reassuring ourselves that even in the toughest of moments, the show must go on. Not that we do not know that, but with life’s hurdles it is important to remind ourselves and this jam is a new way of doing so. You can find it here.

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