Tastes of Nairobi Festival;10th & 11th Dec

The National Museums of Kenya Main Entrance

The Nairobi National Museum will be open 24 hours for the first time on 10th & 11th December, 2011. Visit the museum for night star gazing, cultural entertainment, night tours of the museum and much more. Book your diaries and watch this space for more updates.

Charges (Adults):

Citizens: Kshs. 200/-
Residents: Kshs. 800/-
Non-Residents: Kshs. 1,600/-

NB: Night charges are double the regular day time charges.

An admission ticket also entitles you to screening of the following Award Winning films that tell a part of Nairobi’s history:

1. Out of Africa (Story about Karen Blixen)
2. The Ghost and the Darkness (Story about the building of the Railway)

Do not miss out. Book your diary and come have a taste of Nairobi by night, at the Nairobi National Museum.

* Daytime activities will take place at Central Park (behind Nairobi Serena Hotel).
* Visit the Nairobi Gallery and learn more about this small building with a big history (next to Nyayo House).

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