Poem: Words and guns

Words and guns
which yields more power?

with words
i can create a world where guns and bullets
are like suns and droplets
I can call into being the spirits of our forefathers
Open your eyes to a time
before the white man, before the railway lines
for before the world was
the word still was.

With words
I can turn the pages
to a time before the sunrise of my being
step into worlds I have never been
Touch and not feel the sting of a bee
imagine a world that will never be
for with words
i can create and let it be.

With words
I can create playgrounds in concrete jungles
where kids can touch the grass and throw marbles
stories of heroes
gone and living
Grow boys to men
girls to women
for with words
destiny will be what they set
Not what they spell

With words on a page
minds bow at our feet

All rights Reserved© Njeri Wangari
njeriwangari(at) kenyanpoet(dot) com
26th September 2014

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