Simphiwe Dana releases Nzima, A Kenyan Concert perhaps

If there is a woman who completely took on the spirit of the late Miriam Makeba, then its Simphiwe Dana From her sound, to her style of both music and dressing, Dana reminds one of a younger Makeba.

Over the weekend, just as the Mtv Africa Music Awards (MAMA) were taking place in Johannesburg, Iconic South African artist Simphiwe Dana released her first single, ‘NZIMA’ off the highly anticipated – and as yet untitled forthcoming album – through Sony Music Entertainment Africa.

Although inspired by the Marikana tragedy – ‘NZIMA’ – which is being released as a single to broadcast stations, the song is drawn from centuries of pain and violence, and is essentially a prayer for a people that have had a history of violence inflicted upon them”says Simphiwe Dana.

“’A prayer for Marikana. The wretched of the earth will one day rise and offer their lives as a covenant written in blood. For their children to see the sun again.”

Reflecting on the poignancy of ‘NZIMA’ ahead of Freedom Day, Simphiwe Dana emphasises the importance of being reminded – “… reminded of what the past 20 years have been about and to point out whether we are meeting or failing Madiba’s vision – a reminder of the cost of freedom, and for ongoing freedom to be translated to a better life for all”.

“We understand the value of music as a spiritual conduit for the divine in us all” – Simphiwe Dana

Click here to listen to ‘NZIMA’ for a limited time period only.

There is a rumour from a well trusted source that she might be coming to Kenya before the year ends. You know where the rumour will be confirmed!

(Image courtesy of

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