Margaretta Gacheru; Setting the Record Straight @ Paa ya Paa Arts Centre 21st Aug

Paa ya Paa Art Center presents,
“Setting the Record Straight”
An illustrated talk by Dr. Margaretta wa Gacheru
based on her dissertation ” Globalizing Kenyan Culture: Jua Kali
and the transformation of Contemporary Kenyan Art: 1960 – 2010
on Sunday, August 21, 2011 at 3 p.m.
at  Paa Ya Paa Arts Centre (Located on Ridgeways Rd off Kiambu Road)

Dr. Gacheru is a professional journalist with experience working for the Weekly Review,Nairobi Times, theEast African, Daily Nation, Kenya Times and magazines like Trend and Men Only. Academically she has 4 masters: in Journalism, African Literature, Sociology and Education plus a Doctorate of Sociology from Loyola University,Chicago, USA.


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