2nd POWO on May 21: Blogging & Social Media Workshop

Poets and Writers Online (POWO) is a forum for Poets and Writers with blogs and those with an interest in using the internet in promotion of, or as a platform for their writing.

21st May, 2011 ( 11.00am – 2pm)Where?
The IHub located on 4th flr of Bishop Magua Building along Ngong Road (opposite Uchumi Ngong Rd.)Who should attend?
Poets, Creative Writers, anyone with an interest in writing

Guest Speaker
Aleya Jamal – Story Moja( The Reading Revolution)Poetry performance by
Dennis Inkwa – Poet and Member of Mstari Wa NneBlogging & Social Media Workshop
-Starting a blog with blogger
– Starting a blog with wordpress
– Uploading photos/ embedding video/html code/sound/follow me FB n Twitter, gadgets and widgets
– SEO, enlisting with Afrigator,mashada etc
– Creating an FB and twitter a/c, Shortening url, including tweet streams on a blog
– Registering a Domain and choosing a host
– Migrating from blogger to wordpress or to a webiste
– Intepreting and using analyticsFollow us on 
Twitter @POWO
Facebook POWO
Email: [email protected]

PS. Carry your laptop, for better learning. There will be also be free Wifi.
To sign up, log on to http://powomay.eventbrite.com/ and click on register

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