Interviews, Features & Press
Kenyan poet tackles slums, sniffing … and Prince during Stillwater visit
2019 online
Poet redefining art as she goes places with the power of spoken word
2019, print & online
For Kenyan poet, there is life in the blogosphere
2009 & 2020, Online
Mtandao wa Sanaa Kenya
Poet redefining art as she goes places with the power of spoken word
Kenyan poet shares her passion for the Spoken Word with US young learners
Njeri discusses spoken word in Minnesota
2019, Online
There must be more than grief
2013, online
Njeri Wangari: Poet extraordinaire
July 2010. Online
The 21st Century Kenyan Female Poetic Voice
Thesis paper, 2011
Book Review: Mines & MindFields by Njeri Wangari by Michael Onsando
May 2011, online
Mines and minefields, My spoken words a review by K. O'Okwemba
June 2010, Online
From poems on a blog to actual book.. the internet factor
2010, online