- Njeri Wangari the
Outdoors & Fitness Enthusiast
When she’s not writing, Njeri is either running around her Kiambu neighborhood, chasing waterfalls or doing bootcamp workouts like an army recruit. Njeri is an active member of various recreational running hiking and fitness clubs. Her Poetry Placards and motivational quotes often celebrate members of these communities. Her placards have appeared in the Nairobi Marathon Relay, The Kipkeino Classic, The World Run and the Jitume fitness challenge.
Njeri’s brand – KenyanPoet has curved its niche in digital marketing and event activations for sports events and brands.
By creating and curating engaging digital content and placards messaging that uses compelling and authentically African messaging & images, KenyanPoet is helping brands and organisations in the sports, fitness & outdoors industry to use the power of storytelling to create unique content that greatly resonates with their target audiences in order to;
- Establish and grow brand affinity
- Increase their brand’s organic reach through viral marketing & word of mouth referrals
- Grow their social media engagement
- Grow their social media traction and following
- Organically grow their brand’s TOMA (Top Of Mind Awareness)
- Position their brand as a thought leader within existing local communities around specific sports e.g running cycling, fitness, hiking etc)
What is the value to your Brand?
Social Cards for your Social Media content Calendar
Now more than ever, online audiences connect more with stories than they do outright advertising or marketing for a product or service.
Storytelling has become a very effective facet of communication, yet a brand has to find ways of doing it to an easily distracted online audience with a short attention span.
This is where social cards come in.
Your brand can utilize existing photos from your archives and build the storytelling around that making it cost-effective and authentic.
Samples of our social cards – https://kenyanpoet.com/resources/
Signs/Placards for Event Activation & Engagement
During sporting events, many brands struggle with creative and effective ways of engaging with participants, either to;
- Motivate
- Inspire
and with spectators to ;
- Inform
- Entertain
- Engage both offline & online
Using custom-made placards whose copy/messaging has been uniquely crafted to be authentic, witty and engaging has proven to be an effective way of keeping sports participants both on and off the field/track/race engaged, encouraged, entertained and motivated by your brand.
How our placards went viral